There has been some interesting data published recently relating to fat loss. This is timely heading into the New Year, with lots of resolutions being made to shed a few kilos.
You have read about the ability of OxyElite Pro to burn fat here. Benefits can be had with this product without adjusting diet or exercise regime. But is this really optimal? Absolutely not. So what else should we be doing?

Cardio - this is a given right? But what type?

The battle between High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and steady state cardio continues to rage on bodybuilding forums and in the blogosphere, so let's clear up some of the confusion for Serious Supplements' followers.
Those authors who argue in favour of steady state cardio usually use empirical evidence as the basis for their beliefs. They note (rightly so) that athletes and bodybuilders have been using this strategy for years and have managed to lose fat and maintain muscle.
They also note (again rightly so) that steady state cardio (with its inherent longer duration) generally burns more net calories than HIIT. A calorie deficit is a tried and true method for losing weight.
Sprinkle on top the claim that HIIT Cardio with its inherent intensity is draining to the central nervous system, so it’s an impediment to gains in the weight room and it’s a pretty convincing argument.

The counter argument:

For any body who doesn't know...Wiki defines HIIT as an enhanced form of interval training, an exercise strategy alternating periods of short intense anaerobic exercise with less-intense recovery periods.
Those authors who argue for high intensity intervals cite the numerous studies available that HIIT training is VERY effective for fat loss.
They cite the EPOC effect (post exercise calorie expenditure), which has been shown to be higher with HIIT as the main benefit of HIIT.

So what is "the best"?

A recent study published by the University of Western Ontario (London, Ontario) compared the effect of steady state cardio vs HIIT (sprints).
METHODS: One group of men and women trained three times per week for 6 weeks with steady state cardio for 30-60 minutes at 65% of their VO2 max. The other group did 30 second all-out run sprints on a manually driven treadmill, for four tosix bouts per session (again 3 times per week).
RESULTS: Fat mass decreased by 12.4% in the groupsdoing the sprints and 5.8% in the steady state group. Lean mass increased 1% in both groups.
That is, HIIT was more than twice as effective for fat loss when spending 9 mins per week TOTAL, when compared to doing up to 3 hours of cardio per week!!!
So what about people who don't recommend HIIT? Let's re-examine some of their arguments.
"HIIT is draining on the central nervous system and will inhibit your weight lifting progress."
Anybody who suggests this as a reason not to do HIIT, I recommend they look into the weightlifting methods of John Broz. Broz has his trainers squat to a maximum everyday. The body is amazingly adaptive, if three weekly 4min HIIT workouts is sapping your strength in the weight-room, we suggest that you are not overtrained… are undertrained!
"Steady state cardio inherently burns more calories / EPOC is over rated."
Critics of HIIT are actually right here. Steady state cardio will defiantly burn more calories (as it did in the study cited) and EPOC is only as good as how many calories are burning during the workout (again more with steady state)? Lyle McDonald has a good write up of this here.
So what's the rebuttal to these arguments?
The answer is... there is none! Nobody is certain why HIIT is so much more efficient fat loss.
But does it really matter? Many in this industry are forever digging into the molecular mechanisms of everything. And for what? The outcome is clear in this case. HIIT is more effective for losing fat.
Is the most simplest of explanations enough?
The human body is a great adapter. Whatever requirements or stressors we impose on it are generally handled effectively. This is the SAID (specific adaptations to implied demands) effect.
Wind the clock back to before we had a McDonald's on every corner. We had to find hunt and CATCH our own food, and genuinely had to flee from forms of threat. Is it so hard to believe that when you sprint, the body sets in place adaptations to ensure that you are faster next time?
I dare say there is an inverse relationship between how fat you are and how fast you can move. And there is most certainly a strong positive correlation between how slow you are and how easy it is to get eaten.
Jacked Alpha Test teview
Muscle growth and the development of a figure that can be satisfied is not an easy task. Even the most painful workout routines can still make it difficult to create a body whose users can be fully satisfied.
While it may be easy to add injections and other low quality muscle activators to a lifestyle, it is always better to choose a safer and more reliable approach. With the right product, users can experience results and no negative impact on their health.
With that, this critic would like to introduce the Jacked Alpha test. This testosterone booster replenishes its testosterone levels so that one can feel like a man and in all respects.

What is Jacked AlphaTest?

Jacked Alpha Test is a high-end muscle building formula that allows men to experience substantial growth, better room performance, higher energy levels, and more. The all natural and safe product works quickly to generate the right results, provided that users regularly apply it to their routine and as directed.
In addition, unlike other products on the market, it improves the production of testosterone, rather than flooding the body with synthetic substances and ingredients of poor quality that can cause adverse effects.

How does the Jacked Alpha test work?

Before adding a testosterone booster to one’s lifestyle, it’s important to consider how it works. In this way, users can ensure that they replenish the building blocks of their bodies and in the best possible way. In this case, Jacked AlphaTest works by using all-natural and safe ingredients to stimulate testosterone production in the body. As testosterone increases, users experience improvements in various aspects of their health and abilities.
In addition, the production of all-natural testosterone is much safer for the body than the synthetic substances that most formulas provide. With this approach, men can finally experience the positive impact of testosterone without any risk. In addition, the product is suitable for men of all ages, backgrounds and body types.

The benefits of the Alpha Jacked test

There are many benefits to having when you add Jacked Alpha Test to their lifestyle. Here are the main benefits of this product so that users know what to expect:
Massive muscular growth
First of all, one of the main advantages of this product is that it can generate massive muscle growth. Those who use the testosterone booster will notice a stronger, stronger, firmer and faster muscle development,
Higher energy levels
Second, the formula can also promote higher energy levels. The increased energy allows users to stay productive and get through their day, including a motor-driven diet.
Stimulates Sex Drive
Third, the formula can also improve libido. With this product, men can finally perform in the room and please their partner. The product also works well to promote higher endurance in the bedroom as well.
Consistent results
Finally, the product generates consistent results when used as directed. Consistency ensures that users can experience the improvements they are looking for and in the right way.

Jacked Alpha test Summary of the test 

All in all, those looking for a high-end, reliable testosterone booster can try the Jacked Alpha test. The product acts quickly to increase testosterone levels safely and through the use of quality ingredients.
Keep in mind that the product comes with a 14-day free trial offer. Those who keep the product after 14 days will be charged for this and enrolled in a monthly subscription service. On the other hand, returning it within 14 days guarantees that one is not automatically registered and obliged to subscribe.
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Immune Defence Overview 

Following the global pandemic relating to Covid-19 which started on 31st January 2019, most people naturally fall into the category of a potential customer for Immune Defence. It is now at the forefront of everybody’s minds how to protect themselves and their loved ones against this virus and other health issues that they may face in the future.
From increased sanitation, mindfulness regarding social interactions to improving overall health and immune systems. Elderly people, those with existing health conditions, people with children, the list goes on.
With the impact Covid-19 has had on the world, the more we can educate people on how to protect and boost their immune systems, the better they can safeguard themselves against the current and potential future viruses.
Some of the biggest affected countries by the Coronavirus have been; China, Italy, US, Spain, Germany, Iran, France, Switzerland, South Korea and the UK.
These countries alone create a huge potential market for Immune Defence, with a large number of elderly people, parents and people suffering from existing health conditions. 

coronavirus cure

Zinc Lozenges with Rosehip and Acerola

These soothing aniseed flavour lozenges are designed to dissolve on the tongue, bathing the back of the throat in Zinc ions. There are several biologically plausible reasons why zinc may help to alleviate symptoms of the common cold. One is that zinc apparently combines with the negatively charged carboxyl termini of the rhinovirus coat to prevent it entering cells. This stops the virus reproducing further.

The ingredients in Immune Defence have been backed by several studies, showing the effectiveness of ingredients such as zinc, vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin E to help support and improve your immune system. There has been a surge in consumers looking for immune boosting products and the trend is only set to grow. Recent events have raised awareness to how easily viruses can be spread, and with many people falling into high risk categories, now is the perfect time to educate people and help them find a solution to better protect themselves and their families.

Immune Defence is suitable for ages 12+ and should be taken daily to improve your immune system by providing your body with the necessary nutrients. If you are suffering from a cold, Immune Defence can help to alleviate symptoms much quicker. It is also suitable to take when dealing with high volumes of stress, as stress weakens the immune system. 

Benefits of Zinc

● Proven immune support from natural ingredients Help fortify your body’s natural immunity defences with regular use of Immune Defence zinc lozenges.
● Antiviral defence during cold and flu season Support your body’s resistance to highly infectious cold and flu viruses.
● Reduce the duration of symptoms and colds Studies have shown that zinc lozenges may help to reduce the duration of cold symptoms by up to 50 percent.
● Care for your immune system during stressful times When you feel stressed, tired and run-down, your immune system’s ability to fight off pathogens is reduced, making you more susceptible to infections and viruses.
● Vital immune support for the whole family Immune Defence zinc lozenges are suitable for adults and children over the age of 12, so you can protect the health and wellbeing of your whole family.
● Immune system support on the go Immune Defence zinc lozenges can be stored easily at home, in the office or conveniently carried with you as you travel.

USPs & Benefits

● High ‘beneficial’ dose of zinc per lozenge 3.5 mg per lozenge / 14 mg per daily dosage
● Immune booster Studies show 50% reduction in cold/flu symptoms
● Source of Vitamin A, C & E (Rosehip, Acerola) Contains Rosehip and Acerola
● Vegan & Vegetarian friendly Made with 100% natural ingredients 
● Suitable for ages 12+ A proven supplement to protect your whole family
● 100 Day Money Back Guarantee Order risk free
● Available in single and family packs Save more when buying for your whole family
● Great tasting Sweet, aniseed flavour
● Quick to dissolve Lozenge form are quick and easy to consume
● Manufactured in the UK Ensuring high quality products


Sugar, Rose Hip Powder, Zinc Gluconate, Acerola Powder, Bulking Agent: (Magnesium Stearate), Oil of Aniseed. Nutritional Information: Each lozenge provides on average 2.5mg of Vitamin C (3.13%*) and 3.5mg of Elemental Zinc (35%*). *Reference Intake. Allergy advice: None known.
Directions for use:
Suck one lozenge every 2 hours when required. Do not take more than 4 lozenges per day.

Competitor Comparison

Elderly people are a particularly susceptible population to zinc deficiency. Although to this day data is insufficient to determine the frequency of Zn deficiency in the elderly, it has been estimated that people older than 65 have an intake of zinc below the 50% recommended level.


● What are the ingredients?
Sugar, Rose Hip Powder, Zinc Gluconate, Acerola Powder, Bulking Agent: (Magnesium Stearate), Oil of Aniseed.
● How much Zinc in MG does the tablet contain?
Each lozenge provides on average 3.5 mg of Elemental Zinc (35%*). This amounts to 14 mg per daily serving (max 4 lozenge).
● Is it organic/suitable for vegan/vegetarians?
Yes, Immune Defence is suitable for vegans and vegetarians.
● Who is this product suitable for eg. minimum age, existing health issues?
There are no known allergies associated with the product.
●What are the benefits and side effects?
There are no side effects to taking Immune Defence. However, Exceeding the advised dosage could cause abdominal pain, nausea/lethargy/anaemia and copper deficiency as it impairs its absorption. The benefits include an improved immune system, ability to fight off cold and viruses much quicker and combat stress which weakens the immune system.
● How long does it take to see results?
Immune defence begins working right away, it is recommended you take up to 4 per day to maintain a strong immune system.
● What flavour are the lozenges?
Aniseed flavour. 
● Is this stock available quickly/how long will delivery take?
Worldwide Shipping. All orders are dispatched and on their way to you within 24-48 hours. UK: 1 working day (for orders placed before 1pm BST Mon-Thurs) US: 3-7 days Europe: 3-10 working days Canada/Australia/Rest of World: 5-15 working days

It is suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women, providing the daily recommended dosage is not exceeded. It is recommended the user seeks medical advice from their GP before taking Immune Defence if they are concerned about any pre existing health issues.

Zinc: Research & Studies

Zinc gluconate in the form of lozenges significantly reduces the duration of symptoms of the common cold:,
Zinc administered within 24 hrs of onset of symptoms reduces the duration of common cold symptoms in healthy people: 
Zinc helps control infections by gently tapping the brakes on the immune response: Elderly people are particularly susceptible to zinc deficiency:

Vitamin C: Research & Studies

Vitamin C protects the immune system, reduces the severity of allergic reactions and helps to fight off infections: Regular supplementation trials have shown that vitamin C reduces the duration of colds: A randomized, controlled 5-year trial suggests that vitamin C significantly reduces the frequency of the common cold: Extra doses of vitamin C could benefit some patients who contract the common cold despite taking daily vitamin C: Vitamin C appears to prevent and treat respiratory and systemic infections by enhancing various immune cell functions: Acerola is considered an excellent source of vitamin C and A when compared to other various vitamin C-containing fruits:

Vitamin A & E: Research & Studies

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is involved in the development and regulation of the immune system and adaptive immunity and can enhance immune function and provide an enhanced defense against multiple infectious diseases:

Vitamin E

Vitamin E has been shown to enhance immune responses in animal and human models and to confer protection against several infectious diseases:

benefits of anavar for women

Anavar (Oxandrolone) is a steroid that has been used by female bodybuilders and fitness models to help to help promote muscle growth and fat loss. Anavar is also prescribed by doctors to help relieve bone pain due to osteoporosis. In some cases, it is used to treat patients who suffer from alcoholic liver damage and Turners syndrome.
Searle Laboratories invented Anavar in 1964, Searle labs no longer exists, but it was absorbed by Pfizer in 2003. Searle not only invented Anavar, they also invented other well-known products including Ambien, Celebrex, NutraSweet, and Dramamine.
Anavar is a common oral steroid that when taken becomes active in the blood almost immediately. The problem with oral Anavar is that the effects only last for a short time (9 hours) This means that in order to maintain the effects of the steroid it has to be taken daily.

Why female bodybuilders and fitness models take Anavar

Anavar is used to help reduce body fat during cutting cycles, the ultimate goal of a bodybuilder or fitness model is to maintain a lean and well-defined physique. Besides women who compete in pro competitions, many gym rats who want to maintain a lean and well-defined muscle often take Anavar because of its positive effects.

Anavar benefits

  • Mildly toxic to the liver compared to other steroids
  • Does not raise estrogen levels
  • Does not cause water retention
  • Help reduce visceral and abdominal fat
  • Promotes permanent muscle gains

What are the side effects of Anavar

Most Anabolic steroids can cause some severe side effects, Anavar is a steroid that can cause side effects but they are usually not as severe as with other. The reason for this is because Anavar does not aromatize like other steroids, Anavar is broken down by the kidneys so it has almost no effect on the liver.
Women who take Anavar might experience mild side effects, the reason Anavar can be damaging to women is because it can cause masculine side effects because of virilization. Women who take Anavar might suffer from the following issues:
  • Deepening of the voice
  • Excess body hair growth
  • Clitoral enlargement
  • Balding
Using Anavar for an extended period can also cause an alteration of the facial structure usually in the jaw and forehead.
Women who take a short cycle of Anavar usually do not experience side effects, however, since everyone is physiologically side effects will vary.

Recommended dose and cycle duration

Recommended dose and cycle duration for anavar

Anavar is usually taken towards the end of a cutting cycle, this is due to its low androgenic effect, taking Anavar at the end of a cutting cycle will improve existing results adding the finishing touches to and already lean physique. A normal cycle duration should last six weeks, this time frame is well tolerated by most women.
A standard dose of Anavar is around 10 mg per day. If this is the first time you are taking Anavar you should not take more than 10 mg. It is very important that you monitor closely how your body reacts to the dosage during the first week.
If your reaction is positive and you feel a slight dose increase is necessary, you can bump it up to 15 mg, the maximum dose for any woman should not exceed 20mg per day.
A normal Anavar cycle should last around 6 weeks. Once you have finished your 6-week cycle you should suspend for 4-6 weeks this can help you avoid any of the aforementioned side effects which should not be a problem if you stay under a 15mg per day dose.

Safe Anavar alternative

In spite of the fact that Anavar has minimal side effects, some women may not be comfortable with taking an anabolic steroid. If this is the case, there are legal alternatives that can be used as a substitute.
Anvarol is a safe alternative to Anabolic Anavar, it can be cycled for extended periods of time but does not have side effects. Oral Anvarol tablets are completely safe and offer the same fat burning and muscle retention properties that Anavar does. unlike Anavar,  Anvarol can be cycled for 30, 60, and 90 dasy making it a perfect anabolic steroid alternative.
-> Click here to learn more about Anvarol